Parging Services

st22Parging is a finishing process applied to concrete block surfaces to improve its appearance. It is similar to stucco, but uses a masonry-based mortar rather than a traditional stucco mixture. This material can be installed over damaged, new or existing walls. It is used on vertical surfaces, foundations, columns, or any other surface made of concrete, brick, or stone.

This system is an economical solution for covering damaged, unattractive masonry surfaces. It covers cracks, water damage, holes and voids. It further helps seal small air leaks in a concrete wall, which may lead to a slight improvement in energy efficiency. Parged walls can be painted to complement surrounding surfaces.

Parging is used in residential & commercial applications. Home & business owners use this system to improve the appearance of their establishment, cover signs of damage or cracks before selling.

Contact us for a reasonable estimation for your next renovation project.
